TRANSNATURA. The first MTB stage race in Greece. 3 etape. Amyntaio, Nestorio, Kastoria, Florina, Prespes. 3 days racing in the beautiful mountains and forests of Macedonia (the Greek one). Rain, mud, dirt, cold, but also big smiles on our faces.
The main mountain bike race in three etape was materialized in collaboration with the company of organization of athletic events Outsports and under the aegis of Cycling Associations Union of Macedonia Thrace.
In this first pilot race participated athletes from all over Greece. Objective for transnatura 2010 that will be carried out 9-12 September is the establishment of international mtb race with the attendance of Greek and foreigner athletes.
The first day the start was given in Nestorio with time trial.
The second day we were moved on the road from Kastoria up to the Mela village of Municipality of Koresteion and from there, after the timing began, we followed the ridge of mountains up to Vigla, in order to ride up at the top of Bela Voda and we lead to Laimos village of Prespes.
The last day the start was given in front of the Prefecture of Florina.We were moved up to Drosopigi, from where timing began and we continued our way via Nymfaio to Amyntaio, where TRANSNATURA 2009 ended.
I placed 3rd in my category at all 3 stages and returned home with 3 medals and a cup. Next year I ll race TRANSNATURA again, though it will be 4 days. And as they say every year they will add one day so to reach 7.
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